Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sunshine, Sympathy, Stitches and Starters

I chose the title,"Sunshine, Sympathy, Stitches and Starters" to help describe the day's events. The sun was out today and the temps reached the 40 degree mark for the first time in a long time. It was actually 42 today and it felt warm this afternoon. The sympathy part refers to my uncle's death (2nd uncle to pass in 3.5 weeks). The stitches part of my title refers to the two stitches I have in my lower, right gum from my dental implant procedure today (part 1 of phase III). Today the dentist had to cut into my gum to connect a post and healing cap to the main implant part that they placed during December's procedure. As for the starters part of my title, that refers to the 20s & 30s CoMO group happy hour that my husband and I went to. I didn't know Houlihan's made such big starters, but of course I had to watch everyone else eat the good stuff while I had a cup of soup as I'm on soft foods as part of dental post-op.

This morning was really busy at work as I had two student appts., wrote a letter of recommendation, prepped briefly for class on Mon., participated in an e-portfolio presentation and talked with a co-worker about some concerning health problems that she just found out about. I tried to finish email before leaving for the day at 1 for my dental appt., but my email at work was down the last hour I was there. So, after my dental procedure I had to log back in from home to answer some key emails. Then, later my husband and I went to the happy hour as stated above and then I watched my favorite show, Grey's Anatomy.

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