Thursday, March 18, 2010

Signs of Spring

Last night was a bad night and it was the first night that I missed a blog/pic entry and I apologize. My "pic of the day" was actually taken and was intended for yesterday's blog. I was so excited as I walked across campus yesterday to see the green sprigs of spring surfacing from underground that I had to stop and take some photos. Today even a nicer day, it was sunny and 62, and tomorrow is supposed to be warmer yet at 67. However, by Saturday we are supposed to be cold with a chance of snow!
I have a very big praise - today Paul had a phone interview and he was invited for an in person interview next Tuesday! We are really excited and optimistic yet cautious.
Another praise - Today I completed the third and final phase of my dental implant. You know you've been to the dentist too often when they realize that you've done something different to your hair when it's actually all pulled back in a clip (the staff had noticed a few highlights I had added). My dentist actually took pics of the procedure before he placed the crown on my tooth area, so he'll send those to me soon and I'll post them on here. He said he wanted pics so he could use them in the future for teaching purposes.
As a contrast to my praises, in the past 24 hours I've also experienced a lot of rejection, so I'm trying to overcome that and look towards bigger and better things. In addition, I've been up to the usual business with student appointments.
"We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield." Psalm 33:20

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