Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Light within the Dark

My "pic of the day" is inspired by an ordinary object that has been transformed into a beacon of illumination. This evening I happened along a tree fully draped in multi-colored lights from trunk to tips. The tree is nestled in between the outer walls of a local church and lights up the street corner as it greets passersby. As I pulled into the church parking lot to take a picture, I noticed someone else was already there with the same idea. As I walked up to the tree I became immediately aware of how trampled the ground was where others had been drawn to the light of this tree as well. It made me think about how this tree was transformed into a bright beacon drawing many, and how we too can be transformed with the light of Christ.

"See to it then that the light within you is not darkness." Luke 11:35 (NIV).

On a side note, I heard the weatherman say that this was our 12th straight day with below zero temperatures. It was supposed to be a high of 30F day, but on my lunch time walk it sure didn't feel any different than it did when the temps were sub zero or in the single digits.

"The breath of God produces ice, and the broad waters become frozen." Job 37:10 (NIV)

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