Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Life's Path

Today's "pic of the day" symbolizes life's path. After attending a funeral today for my uncle I was thinking about the journey each of us takes in life and how each life path is effected by the choices we make and the forks in the road that we take.

My remaining extended family are comprised of older individuals and I wonder if they reviewed their life journeys today during the funeral? If so, did they think about how their lives developed as compared to how they thought their lives would be when they first started out? What changes would they have made, what experiences would they not trade for anything, what regrets did they have and what dreams did they fulfill?

I think a lot of times we get wrapped up in the day-to-day stuff and forget to strive for the things we once had passion for as the daily burdens monopolize our time and talent. We need to remember that God has a purpose for us.

"Without a strong sense of calling and purpose, life is nothing more than routine busyness...The purpose of our lives is to let others see what God is like as they watch and experience His love through us...Our purpose is to show others less of us and more of Him...The Christan's purpose is to promote God's plan." (Daily Bread, May 21, 2007).

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