Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Juggling Act

Today was a strange day that started out with an innocent enough looking schedule which morphed into a fire ball juggling act (zoo and circus were also words that ran through my head by the way). Today inspired the following "pic of the day"... a fire juggler that I took while on vacation in Cardiff, Wales in Dec. '05.

It was a day where I was busy juggling a lot of "fire balls" at the same time yet it's such a blur that I can't remember exactly what I did. It's been a full week already personally with the Wedding Show on Sun.; legal document notarization on Mon; calls from my mom regarding her new computer crashing on Tue.; a death in the family and funeral for Wednesday; along with preparing business tax documents. Professionally it's been the first full week of classes and today was the last day to add classes which increased the panic level of a lot of students along with last minute change of majors and change of internship requests. My e-mail filled up all day and I could only triage it before leaving work tonight.

I came home thinking that I was going to help my husband double check the tax records and then tackle that nasty checkbook error, but it was pushing 6:45 p.m. when I walked in the door and I did Wii fit, and we now need to finish a movie that we started last night (in which I fell asleep watching) that is due back tonight.

I'm looking forward to calmer days ahead (hopefully) after tomorrow's funeral and mom's computer return to Best Buy.

This verse sums it up, "The sea was getting rougher and rougher. So they asked him, 'What should we do to you to make the sea calm down for us?" Jonah 1:11 (NIV).

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