Wednesday, April 14, 2010


My "pic of the day" comes from a corner of campus that I walk past each Monday and Wednesday. I kept thinking about how this area would look in a pic, especially a b&w pic and even used as a border stretched along the vertical side of a website or a page. Yes, these are the kinds of things my brain comes up with as I walk across campus.
Today was pretty busy and very warm again. I had several appointments; a working lunch where I served as part of a focus group for a previous grad class I had regarding course redesign input; presented the class with instructions for their final project; and ended with my last appointment scheduled for 4:30 actually arriving at 5 pm. I got out of work around 6 pm, and then came home where Paul was assembling the new computer desk we bought over the weekend. I worked on updating our business tax records until it was time to grab a bite to eat and head back to work for the student org meeting at 8:30 pm and I finally got home at 10 pm.
I was pleased to discover that the new HyVee that was being built in the shopping complex right across the road from us is now open! We've been waiting for it to open and are so excited to have a better and fresher selection of food so close rather than going across town. This makes the third HyVee in Columbia. I actually went in and bought Chinese from HyVee for our dinner tonight and it was sooooooo good.

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