Saturday, August 28, 2010

Keeping Up

My hair was growing so fast and so thick, that I had to move my hair cut up a week earlier to today. I've been going to the same stylist for over three years now and one of the other stylists made a comment that I should have my stylist do highlights on my hair again since it really made my hair "pop" the other time. Wish I could afford to, I had just started getting highlights when Paul lost his job several years ago. In addition to getting told that I should get highlights, this week I also was told that I should get a BlackBerry or some kind of mobile phone with internet so I could keep up with my friends online. Both highlights and cell phones with internet are luxuries that I can't afford right now. I'm starting to feel really left behind when meeting new people when everyone gets out their iPhone to add me to facebook and looks at me to do the same. I've also run into several situations where folks use their phones to get immediate updates of emails or facebook messages to stay in the loop and I'm several days behind because I didn't have time to go online on my home computer for email etc. after I got home from a long day. Worse yet we don't even have a text plan for the cell phones we have.

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